Manifestation Secrets Revealed

Anything is possible 100% of the time!

Did you know you have the power to manifest anything your heart desires? YES, ANYTHING!!

Throughout my journey I have come across some golden nuggets on manifestation and have put all the suggestions to the test and I can honestly say, HOLY MOLY, it really works!!

To learn more about how I became the MASTER MANIFESTOR I am, keep reading because I got some juicy tips to get you started NOW!!

Are you ready to Align with your Divine to attract the right people, opportunities, and resources with the ultimate grace and ease? Are you ready to dream a new world into being?

What are you waiting for?

Your new reality awaits you! LFG!

Here are some practices I adopted in my life and since then, everything that the Universe sends me is Magic.

Here are my invitations for you to bring this Light in you life as well:


Some of you may be asking yourself…What the heck is cacao and why is it divine gold??

Got a minute? Have a seat! I’m about to school you on some AMAZINGNESS known as ceremonial grade cacao.

  1. In this purest form, Cacao is a nutrient powerhouse packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

  2. Cacao allows us to let go of fear and invite more love to flow within our own hearts, facilitating a deeper connection to others, to nature, and to all that is; from one heart to another. 

  3. Cacao significantly increases blood flow to the brain improving cognitive performance, memory, and creativity. At the same time, it also provides heightened focus, attention, goal-directed behavior, and task completion!

  4. PEA for short, is known as the "love chemical" and is highly abundant in cacao. When PEA levels are elevated, more dopamine is left for the brain to absorb and higher dopamine levels boost our mood and lift our spirits.

  5. Cacao initiates a deeper level of connection, both with our deeper intuitive selves and to everyone around us.

Cacao is commonly known as heart medicine. If you’re not sure about what it is you want to call in, you can ask the spirit of Mama Cacao to help connect you to your heart space. 

One cup of ceremonial grade cacao can be considered the divine gold that leads you to the doors of a place of clarity, compassion, and creativity in order to bring your wildest dreams to life.

I highly recommend finding a Cacao and Sacred Sound Healing ceremony in your area to experience some beautiful magic when manifesting your heart’s desires. With the right practitioner, your journey could take some beautiful life changing turns!

Heart Centered Intent + Cacao + Sound = Magic

Are you ready to align with your divine to call in and receive your magic, abundance, and blessings?


One of the main keys to manifestation is to LEAN INTO TRUST.

From personal experience, I have learned that my soul already knows the way…I just have to GET OUT OF MY OWN WAY!

After connecting with your heart space, it’s important to set an intention for what it is you are calling into your life. 

A few things to consider:

  1. Why do you want this “thing” in your life?

  2. What gift would it give you if you were to have it in your life NOW?

  3. Using ALL your senses, what does it look like, feel like, smell like etc?

When we can connect with the feelings and emotions of already having the “thing” in our lives, we can amplify our manifestations with a lot more power! 

The key is embodiment! If you can take time each day to become present with the feelings and emotions from the gifts your manifestations will bring, the Universe will bring more of that to you and with a swiftness you can only dream of! 

Try not to put your manifestations into a box, meaning, try to stay unattached to the outcome. Don’t be glued to how something SHOULD look, feel, go, etc…LEAN INTO TRUST

The magic is in allowing the Universe to conspire with you. She may surprise you with something even better! SURRENDER and BELIEVE!!


In order to receive the right people, opportunities, and resources, we have to align ourselves with the vibrational frequency of that manifestation. In other words, we need to become an energetic match to it. 

Here are 3 key concepts to guide you along your way! 


Be the identity of the person who ALREADY has what you want. What is this person’s daily routine? What do they wear? What do they eat? Where do they hang out? You must become THAT identity, EMBODY their characteristics and actions. Raise your vibrations to match this energetic state and the Universe will take this as your message that you’re ready to receive in this new vibrational playing field!


When inspiration hits, take action IMMEDIATELY! This is your window of opportunity and the time is NOW! You may not get this chance EVER AGAIN! Fear may stare you right in the face, you stand back and say, NOT TODAY!! You go do the damn thing anyway! YOU GOT THIS!!


Once you become the identity of the person who already has what they need, and take inspired action in this new vibrational playing field, you get to HAVE said manifestations. That’s right…BE, DO, HAVE!  

The Universe only knows, YES. When calling in your wildest dreams, be conscious about your approach. Use language that loves on and supports you! When you can change the way you BE, you DO different things, in order to HAVE what you are worthy and deserving of and so much more.


  1. Take 5 minutes of Silence every morning

    Before getting out of bed, take 5 minutes to be silent and still. Allow for any guidance or messages to come through upon waking. This is also the best time to connect with your own energy and set the tone for the day ahead.

  2. Develop an attitude of gratitude

    Take a few minutes to give thanks for all that you have and all that is coming your way. The Universe hears you and will conspire with you to give you what you need when you show your love and appreciation for what you currently have.

  3. Create a Positive Affirmation or Mantra for the Day

    Create a positive statement or two for the day ahead. Allow this statement or mantra to re-center or motivate you to keep it pushing and moving forward. 

  4. Take long deep breaths as needed

    When the times get tough, BREATHE! Take a few long deep breaths to re-center and release any tightness or tension you may be carrying. Take as long as you need.

  5. Move your body

    Feeling tense or stagnant? In order to move the energy and get back into the flow state, you have to move your body! Dance, walk, run, bike, workout…do what you need to do to get those endorphins going and watch your day flow with more grace and ease!


“Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself.” — Edmund Lee

Community is EVERYTHING! In order to elevate your manifestations, you need to surround yourself with the people who are going to help you grow and rise! 

You can do a lot by yourself, but you can accomplish way more with a tribe!

This part may take some time, however, if you align with your divine, this part of the process should come with grace and ease!


A current manifestation in process…

In March 2022, I attended the Sounds of Light, Sound Temple Facilitator Training to start my path as a Cacao Practitioner and Sacred Sound Healer. During this training, we drank cacao, we created a sigil (symbol) for our intentions/manifestations, and gave it a sound. 

Heart Centered Intent + Cacao + Sound = Magic 

To keep a long story short, I am in the process of inventing a product. Everything I have mentioned above is exactly what I followed to get me to where I am today (5 months later).

After a 3 year stagnancy, I have been able to connect with a female engineer who will be overseeing the functionality and safety of my overall product. This is HUGE!!

This will lead to the filing of a provisional patent for my product and the start of the prototyping process!! SCORE!!

I project a product launch within the next 2 years!!

I have also entered a new SPHERE of INFLUENCE consisting of the most caring, influential, successful entrepreneurs, celebrities, and social influencers that most can only dream of, and here I AM having casual conversations with the guy who invented the airline check-in kiosks and! Like whaaaat?! 


Align with your divine and your wildest dreams can and will come true!



Now FEEL it and BELIEVE!!

Congratulations! You are on your way to dreaming a new world into being!

Motivation is my medicine!!!


Cord Cutting: Freedom in Shamanic Healing


Cacao & Sound: Path to Remembrance